Please check back.

“Cat got your tongue?” he asked.
“No.” She lifted her chin. “I told you last night, I changed my mind about the job. You and I should never work together.”
“Won’t argue that, but—”
“Why would you want to work for me anyway? You’ve made it clear you don’t like me.”
“I don’t want to.” He frowned. “Something came up and I need the money, if the rumors about what your family pays are true.”
“They are, but my family wouldn’t be paying your salary. I would.” She took another deep breath, considered the depths of his dark eyes. I still don’t see a spark. More like a man coming to terms with making a pact with the Devil.
“The horses trust me,” he pointed out. “They’ll adjust to their new surroundings quicker with me there.”
“I thought the same, but I have two ranch hands who are more than capable of acclimating them to Bennett Ranch.”
“So, I’ll be working with them?”
“You’ve got gumption, and should have your hearing checked, because again, there is no job. And even if there was, you wouldn’t last more than a day.’
“Wanna bet?” He fisted his hands on his hips and she emitted a small laugh.
“You couldn’t even stand beside me last night without squirming.”
“I didn’t squirm.”
“You did.” She emitted another laugh then sobered. “My sister thinks you don’t like cameras. She could be right, but the truth is, you’ll never be comfortable around me.”
“I never said that.”
“You don’t have to. It’s written all over your face.” She arced around him and started up the path toward the waiting limo. “Goodbye, Chip.”
“Belmont’s cutting my hours,” he blurted. “My family depends on me. I can’t help them without an income.” He fell into step alongside her. "Please?” He held her gaze with quiet desperation and something lurched toward him, and hard.
Ah, damn…