Julie's Favorite Links
Group Sites:
Coffeetime has it all. Reviews, chats, interviews, a store and tidbits on some of your favorite authors. This site is jam-packed with information for the author and reader; so as their site suggests, grab a cup of coffee and stop by. You'll want to saty awhile.
The Romance Studio
The Romance Studio features a variety of authors writing romance; from historical to erotica it's all here. There a free give-aways, writing contests and much more for every reader. For authors, The Romance Studio is a great way to present your work, request a review and hear from the romance public.
Web Design--Rae Monet, Inc.
Rae is my wonderful web mistress. She has a phenomenal talent for matching up color schemes and photos to the author. Without her, I would truly be lost.
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Cowboy Kisses Blog
Cowboy Kisses Facebook Group